
General Information

Full Name Hung-Tien Huang


  • 2023
    University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, United States
    • Double Minor in Mathematics and Statistics.
    • President's List for 3 semesters.
    • Dean's List for 7 semesters.

Research Experience

  • 2022 - Present
    Research Assistant
    AISys Lab, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, United States
    • Proposed a framework that trains deep generative models to provide ad-hoc counterfactual explanations for the behavior of deep reinforcement learning agents.
    • Reviewed literatures in explainable artificial intelligence, causal representation learning, deep generative modeling, variational inference, and deep learning optimization techniques.
  • 2019- 2022
    Student Researcher
    ARTS Lab, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, United States
    • Developed in an audio-based machine learning wildfire detection system that runs on edge in remote forests. The results were published in MDPI electronics.
    • Assisted with the implementation and visualization of adaptive particle swarm optimization for ship structure modal analysis that led to a publication in Conference Proceedings of SPIE.
    • Proposed using Gaussian Process to perform state estimation of mechanical structures.
    • Developed a C++ Arduino library for an accelerometer used in vibration detection sensor package.

Teaching Experience

  • 2020- 2022
    Teaching Assistnat
    University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, United States
    • Undergraduate teaching assistant for CSCE 145/146 Algorithmic Design I/II. The duty includes supervise lab session, give high-level descriptions to data structures and simple software design pattern, and assist students to debug Java applications.
  • 2019
    Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China
    • Prepared and gave lectures to elementary school students about road safety.
    • Tutored a special need child make paper crafts of buses.

Academic Interests

  • Artificial Intelligence.
    • Causal Leanring.
    • Lifelong Learning.
    • Neuromorphic Computing.
    • Reinforcement Learning.
  • Computer Vision
    • Scene Understanding